2023 Cover Crop Seed
Sodbuster Radish
2 lb will broadcast over approximately 8,000 square feet
All seasons in Hawaii
In Kaneohe, Oahu
2lb. Bag
Out of stock

Tillage radish, also known as sodbuster radish or daikon radish (Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus), is a cover crop that has gained popularity for its various agricultural benefits. The primary uses of tillage radish include:
Soil Improvement and Aeration: Tillage radish has a large taproot that can penetrate deeply into the soil, creating channels that improve soil structure and alleviate compaction. These deep channels enhance water infiltration, reduce surface runoff, and increase the overall porosity of the soil. As the radish decomposes, the voids left by the decaying taproot contribute to long-term improvements in soil aeration and drainage.
Nutrient Scavenging and Cycling: Tillage radish has a remarkable ability to scavenge nutrients from deeper soil layers, including nitrogen and other nutrients that may have leached below the root zone of other crops. As the radish grows, it takes up nutrients from the soil, and when the plant dies and decomposes, these nutrients are released back into the upper soil layers, making them available for subsequent crops.
Weed Suppression and Cover Crop: The fast growth and dense foliage of tillage radish can help suppress weed growth by shading out weed seedlings. It also provides an effective cover on the soil surface, protecting it from erosion caused by wind and water. After the radish dies and decomposes, it leaves a residue cover that helps prevent soil erosion, maintains soil moisture, and contributes to organic matter content.
These three main uses of tillage radish make it a valuable cover crop option for improving soil health, enhancing nutrient management, reducing compaction, and supporting overall sustainable agriculture practices. However, it’s important to note that the effectiveness of tillage radish can vary depending on factors such as climate, soil conditions, management practices, and the specific goals of the farming system. Therefore, it’s advisable to consult with local agricultural experts or extension services to determine the best ways to integrate tillage radish into your farming practices.