Yellow Sunn Hemp


2 lb will broadcast over approximately 1,200 square feet


All seasons in Hawaii


In Kaneohe, Oahu

2lb. Bag


2 in stock

Yellow Sunn Hemp (Crotalaria juncea) is a tropical legume that is commonly used as a cover crop or green manure in agricultural systems. Planting Yellow Sunn Hemp can offer several benefits:

Soil Improvement: Yellow Sunn Hemp is a nitrogen-fixing legume, which means it has the ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use. This helps to enrich the soil with nitrogen, an essential nutrient for plant growth. After the Yellow Sunn Hemp cover crop is incorporated into the soil, it releases nitrogen as it decomposes, benefiting subsequent crops.

Organic Matter Addition: As the cover crop grows and later decomposes, it adds organic matter to the soil. This improves soil structure, water retention, and microbial activity. Increased organic matter content also enhances the overall fertility of the soil.

Weed Suppression: The dense growth of Yellow Sunn Hemp can help suppress the growth of weeds by shading and outcompeting them. This can reduce the need for herbicides and manual weed control.

Erosion Control: The extensive root system of Yellow Sunn Hemp helps prevent soil erosion by stabilizing the soil and reducing the impact of rainwater or wind.

Pest and Disease Management: Some studies suggest that the incorporation of Yellow Sunn Hemp can reduce populations of certain nematodes, insects, and pathogens that affect other crops. This can contribute to healthier soil and fewer pest-related issues in subsequent crops.

Crop Rotation: Planting Yellow Sunn Hemp as part of a crop rotation strategy can break disease and pest cycles. Different crops have varying susceptibility to specific pests and diseases, and by introducing a cover crop like Yellow Sunn Hemp, you can disrupt these cycles and reduce the overall pressure on particular crops.

Livestock Forage: In addition to its use as a cover crop, Yellow Sunn Hemp can be used as forage for livestock. It provides a nutritious feed source for animals, contributing to their diet and potentially reducing the need for external feed supplements.

Biodiversity Support: Yellow Sunn Hemp, like other cover crops, can attract beneficial insects and pollinators to the area. This contributes to a more diverse and balanced ecosystem within the agricultural landscape.

Carbon Sequestration: As Yellow Sunn Hemp grows, it captures carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and stores carbon in its biomass and root systems. This can play a role in mitigating climate change by sequestering carbon in the soil.

Reduced Chemical Inputs: The benefits of using Yellow Sunn Hemp cover crops can lead to reduced reliance on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, promoting more sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices.

However, it’s important to note that the benefits of planting Yellow Sunn Hemp can vary depending on local climate, soil conditions, management practices, and the specific goals of the farming system. Before incorporating any cover crop into your agricultural practices, it’s advisable to consult with local agricultural extension services or experts to tailor the approach to your specific circumstances.